BESIDES PRODUCT FOCUSED ADS, BENETTON Group runs yearly global ad campaigns that blend branding, photojournalism, and social activism. They--as much as the clothes--have made the company famous, if controversial, in the clothing business.
Efforts like 1993's AIDS and Safe Sex campaign, and 2000's We on Death Row weren't Benetton's first such efforts, but they set the tone for the company's efforts to spotlight inequity, poverty, global health and its own efforts to improve things.
The Treviso, Italy-based company's work continues with this year's campaign to promote the Birima micro-credit program in Senegal, a co-operative credit society founded by Senegalese singer Youssou N'Dour. Birima, N'Dour's co-operative credit society, offers financial services for craftspeople, professionals and artists to help them start and independently develop their business.
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