Letter to BRAG Members from Verenda White
It is amazing how much time has past and thanks to all of you for the support as I completed my MBA International Business over the last 15 months. I have returned to New York from London and have an exciting
new venture to share with you.
This summer I am pleased to announce the re-launch of my apparel brand under the new name H.I. - HUMAN INTONATION (TM). For those of you who may remember my original Katrina is Still Here: Hands On New Orleans
T-shirt Fundraiser, I am NOW moving forward with an expanded sustainable business using fashion to raise awareness as well as donations for multiple social causes and growing non-profits such as
the Darfur Peace & Development Org (http://www.dpdo.org/).
"The NEW H.I." - HUMAN INTONATION brand launch will take place on JULY 2nd 2008 in Tribeca (New York City) and will include a showcase of the new t-shirts in a high fashion show and a live music performance from the up and coming hip-hop group True2Life Music. A portion of the proceeds from the event will benefit non-profit Hands On New Orleans (http://www.handsonneworleans.org/)
Feel free to email me back with any questions or to forward this information, and I hope to see at this FASHIONABLY SOPHISTICATED event!
Verneda White
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