Wednesday, November 5, 2008

New York Time Op-Ed

I was on the train this morning and as I sat proud to be a New Yorker, proud to be an American and proud to be, yes, I'm going to say what everyone wants to say but may not want to articulate...proud to be BLACK, I was moved by the letters to the editor of the New York Times. Those of you that know me know I like to share, so enjoy.

To the Editor:
That day has dawned, the day dreamed of by the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., when a man is judged by the content of his character rather than by the color of his skin.
And America stands tall before all the world. (Rev.) Connell J. Maguire
Riviera Beach, Fla., Nov. 4, 2008

To the Editor:
Today is Election Day in America, and I am extremely excited.
Barack Obama has been declared the victor, and for me, an American and African-American, this is phenomenal.
It means that America has finally legitimized its African-American citizens — perhaps now we will no longer be perceived as “second class” citizens and can, at last, work to heal our nation after the travesty of slavery, discrimination and prejudice.
It also demonstrates that Americans are hopeful activists, as our forebears were, and that control of the country has finally returned to its citizens.
I am overcome with pride, inspiration and a profound love for all of those who fought throughout the civil rights era. Their struggle has not been in vain. A shining, radiant new day beckons.
Alan Champion
New York, Nov. 4, 2008

To the Editor:
I voted for John McCain and am disappointed that he did not prevail.
But Barack Obama is to be our new president. While I disagree with several of his campaign positions, it is appropriate to wipe the slate and judge the man by his words and deeds as president.
Four years ago, the losing party engaged in a downward spiral of anger and recrimination.
Similar counterproductive behavior, this time from Republicans like me, will inhibit our ability to deal with the significant and complex challenges that our country faces today.
We must allow Mr. Obama the opportunity he has rightfully earned to lead us — to lead all of us. Michael B. Row
Sparta N.J., Nov. 4, 2008

To the Editor:
During the campaign, Gov. Sarah Palin pooh-poohed Barack Obama’s community organizing efforts, saying, “I guess a small-town mayor is sort of like a ‘community organizer,’ except that you have actual responsibilities.” Little did she know.
Now, with Mr. Obama’s success, the whole world knows the power of a skilled community organizer, and how community organizing can be used to bring together people of all classes, races and creeds.
Given the deep hole that the Bush administration’s ideology has put the United States in, having a skilled community organizer as president gives me great hope that we can all pull together to rebuild the country — the infrastructure, health care and education in particular — and begin a robust, open and honest debate. Let’s begin with energy independence. Garth Bishop
Los Angeles, Nov. 4, 2008

To the Editor:
Along with the announcement that Barack Obama will be our next president will come the inevitable post-mortems about why John McCain lost.
In my humble opinion, Mr. McCain blew it because he did not heed the words of his patron Ronald Reagan: “Whatever else history may say about me when I’m gone, I hope it will record that I appealed to your best hopes, not your worst fears.” Dorian de Wind
Austin, Tex., Nov. 4, 2008

The election of Barack Obama as president marks the end of a long nightmare — eight years of an administration that waged wars in Muslim countries, shredded environmental regulations, defied Congress and the courts, and challenged the Constitution. But Mr. Obama is inheriting the additional nightmare of a recession that is heading rapidly toward a depression. President Franklin D. Roosevelt took office during an even graver emergency but was able to establish programs like Social Security, the National Labor Relations Act and the Farm Security Administration that stemmed the economic meltdown and provided help to millions of Americans. Roosevelt was able to do all this because a large Congressional majority stood behind him. Mr. Obama has the judgment and intelligence to rescue our country again, but only if the Republican minority in Congress refrains from its past practice of obstructing the programs of Democratic presidents. If ever there was a time for them to take seriously Senator John McCain’s campaign slogan of “country first,” it is now. Rachelle MarshallStanford, Calif., Nov. 4, 2008


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